Bedford Sport LIVE
We would like to help you to exercise from home.
This should form part of a balanced and healthy routine and help us all to keep active wherever possible.Scroll down and click on the session buttons below at the relevant times to join the live stream classes that are provided by our coaching providers*.There are also pre-recorded videos available on our YouTube Channel.
Duration: Sessions are 40 mins or 1 hour long.
Sound: Please mute your own microphone when on the call and leave your video off unless it is a social session.
Any further feedback or technical problems email [email protected].
** Disclaimer: If you choose to take part in any of the live or pre recorded sessions, you do so at your own risk. You acknowledge that there is inherent risk in any physical activity. The sessions are designed to be gentle and for beginners however you are responsible for your own safety. Neither Bedford Borough Council or the delivery partners will be responsible for any injury sustained as a result of participation.*
(Keep scrolling down this page to the colourful buttons for the links to the live stream sessions)
engAGE together - Chair based social sessions
Our gentle chair based exercise sessions are aimed at people who are in recovery, residential care or those who are new to exercise and would like to take things steady and slow.They are marked with a star on the link button belowThese sessions are very gentle, fun and social. We encourage breaks, videos on and lots of chat.
Supporting the online delivery
We are keen to sustain the sessions as we feel they are highly valued by those in the community. To help with this we do require a small amount of income to support the tutors who provide such wonderful coaching and instruction.We don’t wish to make this a compulsory cost as we are aware it may be very difficult at this time for some people to afford and we don’t want to create any barriers to participation. We recommend a donation (for those who are able to do so) of either £1 per session or £11 per month.We would ask you to monitor your own monthly participation and pay no more than £11 even if you do 2/3 sessions every day.What to do next:
Choose a date in the month to make a payment and make a note in your own diary.Donate as much as you feel is appropriate to your participation. i.e one session a week = £4 per month or 14 sessions per week every week = max £11 per month.(Any of the links below will work and all apply to the same overall fund)Thank you
Bedford Sport Live
Tues Jane's video code: p3x2&4^3
Thurs Jane's video code below: 8Q@x4@t&
4. Jane's video code: p3x2&4^3
Recorded sessions
1. Maz's code for video 1 below: 8VFq4!*j
1. Jane's code for video 1 below: gp7.Jz9+
2. Jane's video code: 8Q@x4@t&
3.Jane's video code: z.tOn!A0
4. Jane's video code: p3x2&4^3
5/6. Jane's video code: No password required
6. Cycle code for video 1 below: S2svTu&d
Website links for further support
We recorded and have made available a number of the sessions on our YouTube Channel. An example is below and there are over 250 available on YouTube. Other areas have also provided a similar service so if you cant find a coach/session that suits your needs then try Active Essex and their YouTube Channel.
If you cant find a session that you like then perhaps check out Active Essex and their free Youtube Channel. Try videos at your own risk with this external provider.
Stay safe, Stay well
Thank you
The Sports Development Team
Bedford Borough Council